One of the most sought after and rarest niche sites announce that you can save 51% off with a discount to I Fucked You and Your Mom. A 30-day pass will now only set you back $14.95. Personally, I would go the whole nine yards on this one though and grab a yearly subscribers membership at a $7.49 per month equivalent. That translates to a 75% discount on a long term deal affording you access to witness the porn fantasies of many a man… and apparently some moms and daughters too.
More 65 HD movies currently stack out the shelves of I Fucked You and Your Mom with an average duration of 35 minutes each as well as 52+ picture sets of 175 pics average each. It gets even better though since your membership contribution entitles you to complete and free access to the balance of the Filth Freaks network, which unlocks volumes more material for your enjoyment. That’s more than 20 additional sites like 18 Interracial, Bubble Butt Orgy and Ghetto Hoochies.