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Posted By Admin on 10/29/17 - Bookmark Big Black Dicks

My life might not be filled with the glitz and glamour of a celebrity like Kim Kardashian but you know what? I’m okay about that. I don’t envy them being in the spotlight 24/7. They can’t make a wrong step without every man and his dog finding out about it. It’s for that very reason that I was always skeptical about that Ray J Kim K sex tape. Nobody keeps a video like that, at least not for years and years unless they had plans for it. The video was made back in 2002 when Kim Kardashian was not well known, now it makes perfect sense why it took so long to surface.

It’s no secret that celebrity sex tapes are big business and many things go on behind closed doors that we’ll never know. Paris Hilton is one of many female celebrities that for one reason or another have decided to bare it all on camera. You could say that they do it for the money or the publicity, it’s a combination of many things. I really don’t care not as long as celebs as sexy as Kim Kardashian keep making these porn videos.

Blogged Under: Celebrity
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